Why use reflection seismic for mineral exploration?

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Pinpoint mineral deposits at depth, with unmatched clarity

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Reduce the number of drill holes required, reducing exploration costs and maximizing success

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Develop high-quality mineral system models, which isn't feasible with any other exploration method

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Attract investors with evidence of mineral deposits you want to target

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Enhancing exploration success

Seismic data is a key tool in mineral exploration. For decades, the oil and gas industry has leveraged the power of seismic data to gain valuable insights into the subsurface for optimal well placement and enhanced recovery.

Despite this success, other sectors, including mining have struggled to access this critical information due to the traditionally high costs and labour-intensive processes of acquiring, visualizing, and understanding seismic data.

Recent technological advancements, including STRYDE's seismic system, have revolutionized this landscape by making seismic data affordable and accessible for mineral exploration. These innovations provide a clear image of the subsurface at a significantly reduced price point, enabling exploration teams to reduce drilling and increase discovery success.


"We chose STRYDE due to the data quality that was able to be acquired from a lightweight, simple, and low-cost wireless system.

“Compared with other nodal systems, the STRYDE system is much lower priced and its impact on operational efficiency is higher. We look forward to using STRYDE again soon."

Zeng Qing Cheng

Project Director and Chief Geophysicist, Shanxi Coal

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how we can help you

About our turnkey solution

At STRYDE, we understand the budgetary and resource constraints the mining industry faces when integrating seismic data into the exploration process. That’s why we’ve developed tailored solutions to deliver decision-making-ready seismic data for our mining customers.

From comprehensive survey design and cost-effective seismic acquisition to fast-track imaging and interpretation, we provide affordable, high-quality 2D and 3D seismic data.

Survey types and their benefits...

Ambient Noise Tomography surveys

Ambient Noise Tomography surveys

ANT, otherwise known as passive seismic data acquisition relies on ambient seismic noise to create coarse 2D or 3D velocity models of the subsurface. Ambient noise can be anthropic (noise that originates from human activities, such as noise from nearby vehicles) or natural (background noise produced from the natural events such as wind).

Low-effort seismic

Seismic sensors are used to record and measure the ambient noise over a period of time and is a low-cost, low-environmental impact alternative to conventional active seismic data acquisition which requires a source (such as a vibrator truck) to record the seismic data.

2D reflection seismic surveys

2D reflection seismic surveys

2D seismic reflection data offers depth resolution and spatial coverage over your prospect, features that are not available by any other techniques such as direct sampling or drilling. As a result, mining geologists can benefit from enhanced precision of geological modelling and increase the likelihood of successful drilling by uncovering faults, lithological contacts, shears, alteration zones, massive sulphide deposits and pegmatites.

Enhancing exploration value

This process of using 2D seismic reflection data ultimately allows mining and exploration teams to present a clear visual representation of the subsurface, and demonstrate scope for much deeper mineralisation than could previously be known. As a result, mining companies can increase the value of a mineral exploration project to their investors and have a greater chance of receiving investor buy-in.

Image reference: Seismic data from Survey Line 2, highlighting the Manta seismic reflector and MAD213 drill hole pegmatite intercepts- acquired by STRYDE Nodes™ for St George Mining Limited

3D reflective seismic surveys

3D reflective seismic surveys

3D reflection seismic data plays a pivotal role in enhancing the value of mining exploration and mine expansion projects by enabling precise drilling target identification.

STRYDE is dedicated to delivering low cost 3D cubes at a price point that is affordable for all types of organisations within the mining industry, from small exploration stage companies through to international mining operators.

De-risk exploration

3D surveys can help streamline the search process, reducing the number of boreholes needed for successful mining discoveries and resource delineation. This distinct advantage sets 3D reflection seismic apart from other exploration methods, offering efficient targeting capabilities for mining exploration.

Image reference: Isometric view of the Long South Gap prospect area illustrating location of northern seismic line, key initial litho- structural interpretation together with possible channel feature (yellow ellipse) - acquired by STRYDE Nodes™ for Lunnon Metals Limited

The case for reflection seismic

Reflection seismic data has been the mainstay of successful energy exploration for many decades and is the only viable solution for effective geophysical imaging at depth.

In this article, esteemed geologist Graeme Hird outlines the strong case for incorporating the reflection seismic method in your mineral exploration workflow to produce better seismic data.

Figure 6 Paleochannel hosted uranium mineralisation at shallow depths can be identified in seismic data

The benefits STRYDE can unlock for your mining project

Reduce costs icon

Low-cost exploration

Our technology unlocks the ability to conduct mining exploration at depths beyond which surface drilling is prohibitively expensive. STRYDE offers the most affordable seismic node on the market today, allowing companies to save significant costs when it comes to equipment leasing or purchasing.


Unmatched portability

Unlike bulky nodes and cable-based systems, thousands of STRYDE Nodes™ can be air-freighted to virtually any location and transported easily in small vehicles. This opens up the possibility of conducting seismic operations in remote or unconventional locations, whether that be in mountainous terrain or desert environments.

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Expedited data retrieval

By coupling our advanced nodal technology, efficient field operation and our fast-track data processing solutions, we are able to quickly deliver interpretation ready seismic data to our clients, meaning critical decisions can be made faster than ever before.


Improved data quality

By making the deployment of high-channel counts needed for high-trace density data an affordable option, we can generate better quality subsurface images to de-risk decision making further.

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at the heart of our solution

Cutting-edge seismic technology

The STRYDE Node™ is the smallest and most cost-effective seismic recording device on the market today.

Weighing a mere 150g, this advanced seismic technology offers the most affordable and practical means to collect high-quality seismic data essential for geologists to make informed decisions.

Case studies

Discover how companies operating throughout the mining industry have benefitted from STRYDE’s revolutionary nodal technology.

A Novel 3D Seismic Survey over the 2.5-2.4 Ga Koillismaa Layered Intrusion Complex, Finland

A Novel 3D Seismic Survey over the 2.5-2.4 Ga Koillismaa Layered Intrusion Complex, Finland

The data revealed rich and strong reflectivity associated with the intrusion as calibrated by the Koillismaa deep drill hole, which reached ultramafic rocks (pyroxenite, peridotite) at 1.4 km depth. Significant along-strike changes are also observed with more pronounced reflectivity present west of the Koillismaa drillhole.

2D Hard Rock Seismic Interpretation

2D Hard Rock Seismic Interpretation

Iceni Gold Limited reported that 2D seismic acquired by STRYDE's nodes played a significant role in this project, by producing the geological model forming the seismic interpretation deliverable product.

A new regional reflection seismic profile across the Peräpohja belt, northern Finland

A new regional reflection seismic profile across the Peräpohja belt, northern Finland

A new 70-km long reflection seismic profile was acquired across the Palaeoproterozoic Peräpohja belt in northern Finland to shed new light on its structural framework. Single-receiver and single-source acquisition was implemented, resulting in excellent data quality. Survey layout was optimized for the ability to extract 3D reflector orientations as constraints for the 3D geological model. Initial seismic processing results reveals rich and coherent reflectivity in the top 15 km of the crust.

A 3D seismic reflection case study over the Tamarack Nickel field

A 3D seismic reflection case study over the Tamarack Nickel field

This presentation shows how velocity models derived from first-break refraction tomography for one particular high-density survey assist in the 3D mapping of the overburden/bedrock contact of a magmatic intrusion and provide extra detail to the extent of the low-velocity ore bodies beneath

A 2D and 3D seismic survey in the Kalahari Copper Belt of Botswana

A 2D and 3D seismic survey in the Kalahari Copper Belt of Botswana

During this survey STRYDE's nodes were used to acquire 62 kilometres of active 2D reflection seismic and the overlapping 100 square kilometres of passive seismic data.

A 2D seismic reflection survey for coal exploration in the Australian bush

A 2D seismic reflection survey for coal exploration in the Australian bush

STRYDE's seismic technology was used by Oceania Geo and Total Seismic to gather 2D seismic data which was crucial in allowing their customer to delineate coal resources and mitigate risks for future mining operations in Queensland.

Acquiring 3D seismic data for coal mining exploration

Acquiring 3D seismic data for coal mining exploration

Discover how STRYDE's seismic sensors were used to acquire high-resolution seismic data required for mining exploration.

High-density seismic exploration for mining

High-density seismic exploration for mining

Explor approached STRYDE to trial our STRYDE Nimble system™️ in conjunction with their innovative Pinpoint® seismic source for a mining client.

Accelerate mineral discovery with STRYDE

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  • Request more technical information about our seismic system and technology