Geopartner Poland Oil and Gas 2023 1

High-resolution seismic data for oil and gas exploration

Acquire onshore seismic data faster than ever before to unlock new oil and gas developments, enable safe energy transition, and maximise reservoir production

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Acquire high-density seismic data, faster than ever before

Smaller, lighter, cable-free land seismic recording equipment resulting in easier, faster, and safer seismic acquisition, without compromising data quality. At STRYDE, we’ve brought onshore subsurface imaging technology out of the dark ages for companies operating in the oil and gas sector seeking to:

  • Efficiently explore and unlock new hydrocarbon development opportunities
  • Maximise production capacity from existing reservoirs
  • Explore and commercialise CCUS opportunities with integrity
  • Safely transition from production wells to Co2 storage wells

The benefits STRYDE can unlock for onshore seismic acquisition in the oil and gas sector

F9d7a6bf b89b 4297 b063 d0b541e74402 STRYDE Icon Reduced Cost

Access high-density seismic at a significantly reduced cost

The world's smallest, most affordable seismic nodes available on the market paves the way to high-density data acquisition and high-resolution seismic imaging

17badc04 be63 4aed b804 ebc9bbd0a14b STRYDE Icon Innovation

Accelerate seismic acquisition to make informed decisions faster

Reduce survey acquisition time at every stage of operations, from logistics and shipping to deployment, retrieval, and data recovery. Resulting in rapid access to ultra-high-density enabling informed decisions to be made more efficiently

C9b37bb1 e9ba 42e6 87ae fb71b43a37ed STRYDE Icon Low Environ Footprint

Minimise risk and environmental footprint

Less logistics and being able to efficiently deploy thousands of nodes a day by foot reduces exposure to risk and minimises the environmental impact traditionally associated with land seismic acquisition

9c3eeeb1 bc31 45ed 829c 2e5e18b10298 STRYDE Icon Responsible

Unlock seismic projects that were previously uneconomic

Assure your seismic acquisition project is sanctioned by utilising a low-cost, low risk solution that delivers complete assurance of subsurface data excellence

STRYDE vs cables

Discover how seismic surveys differ depending on the type of seismic sensor used. Here we show how nodal seismic sensors compare to cabled geophone arrays for a 3D seismic survey in a desert environment.

"CCED are currently acquiring the world’s largest 3D node survey over our blocks 3 & 4 (29, 219 sqkm), onshore Oman.

This nodal technology approach (c.165,000 channels) provides multiple benefits to CCED, by cutting down on data acquisition costs, minimizing HSE footprints in the field (less manual handling, reducing vehicle count from c.160 to c.40, reduced field crew size 600 to c.220 etc.), and expanded land access in our sabkha-dune environment, all to acquire high quality, operationally efficient (high density, point receiver geometries providing increased spatial sampling density, with no compromise to data quality) outcomes."

Eskil Jersing

Exploration and Appraisal Director, CCED

case study video

The world's largest nodal seismic survey

CCED is currently deploying an unprecedented 165,000 STRYDE Nodes™ in Oman, marking the world's largest nodal seismic survey ever conducted to date. Covering 29,219, this cutting-edge 3D survey relies on fully autonomous, compact single-sensor nodes.

This approach offers numerous advantages for CCED, including cost savings, reduced HSE risk exposure, acquisition of high-quality, operationally efficient, high-density point receiver geometries, resulting in superior subsurface image resolution.

Scalable node receiver systems

At STRYDE, we know that in order to be truly cost-effective, the total cost per channel must include the node cost as well as the node charging and data harvesting costs.

To ensure that our clients benefit further from our low-cost land seismic nodes, we offer three separate node receiver systems which enable rapid rotation of high-channel counts using the scalable charging and harvesting units (Nests). Learn more about our systems:

Case studies

Understand how companies operating in the oil and gas sector have benefited from STRYDE's technology

A high-density 3D seismic survey in Ukraine

A high-density 3D seismic survey in Ukraine

A case study on the first-ever high-density nodal seismic survey completed by DTEK Oil&Gas, using STRYDE's technology and in-field data processing solution.
Faster and better subsurface imaging for reservoir optimization

Faster and better subsurface imaging for reservoir optimization

The significance of nodal technology for geophysical data acquisition for the oil and gas industry, and STRYDE's participation in the world's largest nodal seismic survey in the Middle East
Pad3D: Gas production optimisation using 3D seismic data

Pad3D: Gas production optimisation using 3D seismic data

A collaboration between Oceania Geo, Galilee Energy, STRYDE and Earth Signal Processing to demonstrate the viability of acquiring small footprint 3D seismic surveys using lower cost and lower impact technology for well planning and field optimisation.
AGS - The worlds largest nodal seismic acquisition in Oman

AGS - The worlds largest nodal seismic acquisition in Oman

Watch the world's largest nodal survey (166,000 channels), acquiring high-resolution seismic data, in a way that has never been done before.
Enabling a “faster, cheaper and safer” seismic survey for DNO

Enabling a “faster, cheaper and safer” seismic survey for DNO

Learn how STYRDE enabled DNO to complete a “faster, cheaper and safer” seismic survey in Northern Iraq...
STRYDE data demonstrates perspectivity for oil and gas exploration in Zimbabwe

STRYDE data demonstrates perspectivity for oil and gas exploration in Zimbabwe

A case study demonstrating how STRYDE's nodal seismic system was used by seismic contractor, Polaris Natural Resources to reveal multiple amplitude-supported prospects for Invictus Energy's oil and gas licence block in Zimbabwe.
A low-cost microseismic survey for frack optimisation

A low-cost microseismic survey for frack optimisation

A case study demonstrating how STRYDE technology was used to conduct a microseismic seismic acquisition to help hydraulically fracture a horizontal well in Australia’s Northern Territories.
High density 3D seismic survey for oil & gas

High density 3D seismic survey for oil & gas

A case study on a high density seismic survey for oil & gas company, Reach Exploration.
Facilitating efficient 2D seismic acquisition for petroleum exploration in Namibia

Facilitating efficient 2D seismic acquisition for petroleum exploration in Namibia

A case study demonstrating how STRYDE's nodal seismic systems enabled Polaris to conduct an efficient and cost-effective seismic survey for oil and gas exploration in Namibia.
Field test results for an onshore seismic data acquisition in Rajasthan, India

Field test results for an onshore seismic data acquisition in Rajasthan, India

Get in touch

By filling in this form, you can speak to one of our team members directly to:

  • Request a quotation for an upcoming seismic survey
  • Book a meeting with our team to understand more about our survey design and data processing solutions
  • Request more technical information about our seismic nodes and systems
  • Learn more about how STRYDE enables easy, affordable, and low-risk high-density seismic